Mandy bubbling after meeting ‘The Asset’

Lifelong darts fan Mandy Stevenson has praised Speedy Hire for giving her an experience she’ll never forget, after winning the company’s Champagne Moment award.

The Wirral fanatic was picked at random to present Paul Nicholson with a bottle of bubbly after ‘The Asset’s’ stunning performance to beat Phil Taylor in the UK Open was chosen as the most sparkling moment of the entire four days in Bolton.

The Asset, Mandy Stevenson and a bottle of the best bubbly!

Around 500 darts fans voted for their most memorable performance of the tournament after sponsors Speedy decided to create a poll for them to find an official champagne moment winner.

Nicholson’s win over Phil Taylor received 38 per cent of votes with James Wade’s semi-final comeback against Mark Webster second (15 per cent) and Nicholson himself third for another outstanding result against current Premier League champion Gary Anderson (11 per cent).

Thanks to the generosity of the PDC, Mandy was given tickets to the World Matchplay in Blackpool and presented Paul with his prize on the oche.

Mandy said: “To stand up on the stage and meet Paul in person was a dream come true. He was wonderful to talk to and we hope his Speedy success will spur him on to more in the future.

Paul said: “I have never seen an award like this before, with a personalised Speedy label featuring my name. I won’t be drinking this bottle that’s for sure. I’ll be keeping it on the mantel piece!

“I’d like to thank Speedy for organising this. To win their champagne moment means a great deal to me, particularly with fans voting for the overall winner.”

For regular Speedy darts comment keep in touch by following @speedyhiredarts on twitter.

The Asset wins champagne moment!

He might not have won the Speedy Hire UK Open outright, but Paul Nicholson can celebrate the next best thing after winning the company’s prestigious Champagne Moment award.

One bottle of champagne over here please Speedy! Picture courtesy of Lawrence Lustig/PDC

‘The Asset’s’ stunning performance to beat Phil Taylor 9-8 in the fifth round of the competition was chosen as the most sparkling moment of the entire four days last month.

Around 500 darts fans voted for their most memorable performance of the tournament after sponsors Speedy decided to create a poll for them to find an official champagne moment winner.

Nicholson’s win over Phil Taylor received 38 per cent of votes with James Wade’s semi-final comeback against Mark Webster second (15 per cent) and Nicholson himself third for another outstanding result against current Premier League champion Gary Anderson (11 per cent).

Darts fanatic Mandy Stevenson voted for Paul to win the Champagne Moment and was picked at random to win tickets to the World Matchplay in Blackpool, courtesy of the PDC.

She will also present Paul with his bottle of champagne in person on Wednesday July 20 at the Winter Gardens.

Paul said: “It was obviously a special moment to win against Phil Taylor and it’s great that so many fans enjoyed it so much too.

“Obviously I’d have loved to have gone on to win the Speedy Hire UK Open but winning a vote like this is a big honour and I’ll be delighted to accept the champagne in Blackpool.”

Mandy said: “I am a huge darts fan so to win this competition is a dream come true.

“Paul definitely deserved the award. He threw some phenomenal darts and to beat Anderson and Taylor in the same competition is worth some serious recognition.

“Thanks to Speedy this is the case and I can’t wait to say well done to Paul in person!”

Speedy’s group marketing director Steve McIntyre said: “There were so many memorable performance across the four days that we wanted to create an award to commemorate them.

“Paul Nicholson’s name was on the tips of our tongues, so it came as no surprise when we learnt that he had won.

“He is a worthy winner and he gave us some memories that we will certainly treasure for a long time to come.”

For regular Speedy darts comment keep in touch by following @speedyhiredarts on twitter.

Speedy searching for a champagne moment!

The Machine might have won the UK Open, but who will win the Speedy champagne moment?!

After launching a sparkling array of activities for darts fans at the UK Open in Bolton, sponsors Speedy Hire is calling on supporters to bring the curtain down on the tournament in style – courtesy of a champagne moment award.

The bubbly new initiative is designed to give fans the chance to vote for their favourite moment from the four days, across the boards.

It could be Speedy qualifier Ryan Murray’s stunning 4-0 win over Colin Monk in round one, or James Wade’s winning dart against Wes Newton in the final itself.

The champagne moment could be a starring performance in a certain round, or an outstanding competition for a relative outsider.

To enter, simply click on and leave your vote, followed by a comment to say you have registered.

A random fan who voted for the winning player will win a pair of tickets to the World Matchplay in Blackpool on Wednesday July 20 and a chance to present the triumphant player with his award, courtesy of the PDC.
Speedy’s group marketing director Steve McIntyre said: “There were so many memorable performance across the four days that we wanted to create an award to commemorate them.

“We want the fans to help us with the award and vote for their favourite moment from a list provided on our official darts website.”

Steve said that the interaction with supporters over the four days was the highlight of Speedy’s sponsorship, which saw around 1,500 people join the Speedy’s twitter page, while 9,000 fans logged onto the official Speedy blog by the end of the competition.

Speedy’s Facebook site has also attracted 550 friends in a further show of success.

Matt Porter, chief executive of the PDC said: ““It was great to have the Speedy Group on board for the UK Open.

“Their pro-active approach to their sponsorship ensured a great connection with darts fans and we look forward to having them as part of the PDC family in the years ahead.”

To vote on the Speedy champagne moment click on and register your vote on the specially created champagne moment poll. Leave a comment in the box provided and Speedy will be in touch to announce a winner after the deadline closes on Friday June 24.

For regular Speedy darts comment keep in touch by following @speedyhiredarts on twitter.

2011 UK Open Champagne Moment

How would you like to win a pair of tickets to the World Matchplay in Blackpool on Wednesday July 20th?

Speedy Hire are giving one lucky darts fan the chance to do just that with our Champagne Moment competition.

To enter, simply vote for your Champagne Moment from the 2011 UK Open from the choices below and then leave the following comment: “I voted for the Speedy Hire Champagne Moment”.

As well as the tickets, the lucky winner also gets to present the Speedy Hire Champagne Moment trophy to the winning player.

Best of luck!

* After making your selection, please ensure you click the ‘Vote’ button.

What was your champagne moment from the 2011 Speedy Hire UK Open?

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Ooh Bully Bully! Speedy staff pay tribute

With Terry ‘The Bull’ Jenkins providing the stand-out moment in round two of the Speedy Hire UK Open, we thought it only fair to pay tribute to Herefordshire’s finest! Leaden footed performance for the Ledbury man!!

Phil Taylor gives a Speedy interview!

Phil Taylor talks to Speedy after his 3rd round win. A nice mention for the silky skills of Leighton Rees

UK Open ex-Speed expections!

Tommy Little takes aim

The official sponsorship of the UK Open has already exceeded expectations for Speedy Hire – despite the competition only being a day old!

The UK’s premier providers of rental equipment and support services has enjoyed its first night at the Reebok Stadium, as Speedy’s 32 qualifiers took to eight different oches for a night they will never forget.

A packed arena made for an incredible atmosphere for all involved and gave everyone at Speedy a night to remember, with the iconic Speedy branding reaching out to a huge audience.

Group marketing director Steve McIntyre said: “This tournament has already given us a number of memories to treasure – and we’re not even half way through yet.

“The audience has really got behind the players, as well as our brand as well, which has been a great sight.

Daz Pugh feels the heat in Bolton!

“We hope to speak to as many fans as possible over the next few days. It promises to be a cracking few nights ahead.”

Nice to see you, to see you nice! Bruce Harrison shines on stage

Speedy have been giving fans backstage access at the Reebok Stadium, courtesy of a YouTube channel which will feature a series of short, snappy interviews and features with the stars of the oche – not to mention some of the 32 Speedy qualifiers.

Wayne Mardle, Colin Lloyd and James Wade have already answered some quirky questions along with some of the biggest personalities in the darting fraternity.

Expect more in the coming days.

The pieces are available to view through Speedy’s twitter page,, its Speedy Hire Darts facebook page and right here.

James Wade answers the Speedy six!


Wayne Hawaii 501 Mardle speaks to The Viking! Tremendous stuff

Two legends talk to Speedy Hire!

Two legends, six questions, all in the space of a minute! Rod ‘Prince of Style’ Harrington talks to Andy ‘the Viking’ Fordham as part of a series of Speedy Six questions. GAME ON!